1. a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's life, to one's home or homeland, or to one's family and friends; a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time: a nostalgia for his college days.
2. something that elicits or displays nostalgia.
My little man is sick. Very sick. With his 102 degree temperature, a sippy cup full of grape pedialyte, his "Boo Boo Teddy Bear" - the first one he chose at Build A Bear himself - his sister's blanket that our awesome friend Bridgett made and a big comfy pillow, Carson J is laying in Mommy and Daddy's bed right now. I had to wake him up to take medicine and a lukewarm bath 2 hours ago. It makes my heart hurt when he is sick.
He is going to be two years old in March! Can you believe that? It seems like just yesterday that I had him. It seems like just yesterday that my world completely changed from being just a wife to a mommy and a wife.
Here's a photo of my baby boy at 2 months old. I'm in love with this picture. Daddy is too!
My, my. Things change with a blink of an eye. Cherish every moment. Seriously.
I can't sleep and have a million things on the to-do list for this rainy Sunday, however, taking a timeout to possibly help someone out there, is definitely worth it. So yes, it is time for another FAQ post!
As always, I don't claim to be a photography guru or all-knowing. I'm just a girl with a camera, who is completely in love with photography and art. I answer questions as they apply to me and my life. If this helps even one person, life is great!
Rose asks, "Brandis what do you know about photoshop elements ? It is cheaper then photoshop. But do you know if it is worth the money?"
A. Thanks for the question Rose! Actually I don't use photoshop or any similar program...YET. I have a much less expensive editing program that I use, that I self-taught on, that has all of the EXACT SAME tools that PS has. And I couldn't be more thrilled with the results. I can open and create PSD files in this program as well. Eventually I will spend the big bucks for the top of the line editing software and Kubota tools (oh how I long to use them), but it's simply not in the budget for a beginning photographer. My program is a great alternative for $50 or less! I'd rather invest in my lenses and camera body than editing right now. Editing is just a compliment to my SOOC (straight out of camera) shots and should be used to just fine-tune or tweak images. The name of my program? That is only available to those I one-on-one mentor. Hey, I can't divulge all my secrets!
Stephanie (my current student) asks 3 awesome questions.
What do you like most about taking pictures?
A. What I like most - well there are two answers to this one. The first is I love my clients! I love making them smile and feel special. When my camera is pointed toward them, I give them my 100% undivided attention! Being able to really look at a person or a pet in some cases, and see their beauty at many different angles is super rewarding to me. So from a client stand point, the best part is getting to know them and to really capture their personality. The other part to my answer is that I simply LOVE the unlimited possibilities photography brings into my life. If I'm having a blah moment, I grab my camera and start snapping away. It quickly turns my frown upside down! A photo tells a story and I love being a storyteller! It is most definitely my creative-outlet.
What is the biggest thing you want to accomplish as a photographer?
A. The biggest thing? Wow. I'm not sure I have even thought that far ahead yet. The biggest thing on my "to accomplish" list would be to photograph a destination wedding in an exotic location, such as Jamaica. I am really going to be focusing on wedding photography come 2011 and 2010 is going to be full of practice, workshops, modeling sessions and soaking up everything and anything photography related. Come 2011, well you better watch out, as the wedding photography industry will see a new kid on the block. One that will bring style, class and art back into wedding photography. That's the plan anyway! Be on the lookout for my wedding, boudoir, trash the dress and engagement website that is currently in design-mode. It will be AH-MAY-ZING.
Where do you hope to be in 10 years career wise and personal life?
A. Oh girl, I can't even answer this question. And I don't want to. Why? Well because I no longer look that far ahead. I've never cared for this question - especially when they ask you as a high school senior. 10 years really? You can't predict tomorrow let alone 10 whole years. LOL! I do however, look to the month ahead and set goals for myself. 120 months in the future, well let's just hope that I'll be doing some amazing things with my life and still have an immeasurable amount of love and passion for photography!
Finally, Bridgett gets personal with her question: You really make parenting look so easy! How do you do it?
A. First of all, THANK YOU for such an amazing compliment. Wow! Honestly, it's hard. Being a mother is full of sacrifice and patience. I am not the most patient of people, but when it comes to my babies, I really try to practice patience with every breath I take. I have a 22 month old and an almost 6 month old. Am I crazy? Maybe. Do I regret having them so close together? Never. Am I crazy for starting a business in the midst of all life's chaotic-ness (yup, another made-up word!)? Most definitely! Am I loving every moment? Without a doubt, hands down, without any hesitation, Y.E.S.
I have a very strict schedule, that sometimes gets thrown out the door when we hang-out in PJ's all day long and veg in front of the TV. Those days are great sometimes. We have a floor picnic with tons of pillows, blankets and toys and just...be. Of course in the cold, Ohio winter, those days are a lot more. :) I give my full attention to my children. I'm a stay at home mommy during the day. Photography comes second. I will usually get my blog entry ready the night before and post it during the day when they are napping. I'll also clean and grab a shower during this time. My work day starts at 7p with "studyhall" in which I'm learning something photography related, or I have my meetings with clients. Then I don't work again until 10p, once my babies are asleep. I work from 10p until Midnight or 1a every day. Lots of editing and emailing going on! I'm not a phone person and my clients are really awesome at understanding that email is the BEST way to reach me. They are also really awesome at understanding that being a mommy comes first and that they will still receive outstanding customer service and a personalized experience with me. Weekends I schedule my shoots and start the post-editing phase. I work about 10 hours each Saturday and Sunday, while my husband has the babies. I still put in mommy time and break for special events, outings and family time. But really, it is difficult. A strict schedule helps for sure!
Thank you for all the questions! Keep 'em coming! I've already started compiling new Q's for the next FAQ series. You can find the previous FAQ series by clicking on the link at the bottom of my blog, under "For Photographers." If this helps even one person, then well, that makes me extremely happy!
Happy Sunday to you all! I'm going back to bed to cuddle with my little man. Good Day!
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