I usually don't start out with a photograph, but this is a special occasion. My son has officially picked up my "borderline OCD" - self diagnosed of course - tendencies. I am a perfectionist when it comes to everything in my life. I like to have a plan. Yes, I am a planner. And everything in the form of artwork must be perfect. Say I'm doodling - my doodles have to be just right, or it drives me crazy and I'm up all night thinking about it.
One of my "borderline OCD" tendencies comes out when I'm eating m&m's. This sounds so silly but I'll grab a handful and have to eat them in a specific order, by color. I've always been like this and I have to eat my least fave color, to my most fave color. I'm not afraid to share my silliness with the world :)
Another thing I like to do is make sure that anything and I mean anything that I have to group together (like my candles on my fireplace), have to be lined up just perfectly and sitting in the middle of whatever they may be placed on. Even if it looks like a random order of placement, it's not. I've probably spent hours getting it just right. Becoming a photographer has made this worse because now I look through my camera to make sure it's just right. LOL!
And my poor son has picked it up too.
I've noticed lately that he will line everything from books to pictures of him and his sissy in a really neat, straight line. He'll line the entire hallway. He's so funny. It's a game to him! So why on earth did I post a photograph of condiments? Because that was his latest game of "line it up!"
I was posting yesterday's blog. Millie was napping in her crib and Bug...I thought he was watching Blue's Clues. Boy was I wrong. I was deep into thought as I typed every word and remembering every moment I shared with my husband when we first met. Suddenly it was....QUIET. It's never quiet in my house. I run into the living room, find the TV on pause and see Carson J's little foot sticking out from around the foyer corner. "Carson? What are you doooooing?" This is what I found.
That's right. My little man somehow opened the fridge (which I had taped shut - yes tape), grabbed all the condiments except for the ketchup, took them across the house to the foyer and played his latest game of "line it up." I busted out laughing, ran to my prop room to grab my camera which had my awesome 10.5mm fisheye lens on it and came back to watch him play his game. As you can see he lined them up twice. I love him so much. I seriously don't know what life was like before my babies.
Of course Millie woke up by the end of the game (ok, the house was filled with loud laughter and hand-clapping) and I grabbed some pics of her playing contently in her crib. She is one of the happiest babies ever. And today just so happens to be her 6 month birthday so HAPPY 1/2 YEAR BABY GIRL! Freddie is taking her 6 month pics this weekend, so be sure to look for those.
She got me!
****These were all taken in manual mode, with my 10.5mm fisheye on my D300S, without any distortion (just some slight cropping action). I ♥ Manual!
Thats great!! my niece used to be horribly about lining things up like that. It got to the point that when she was about 3 1/2 yrs old, would even line them up from biggest to smallest, or tallest to shortest, etc. I use to mess with her and put things out of order but still in line when she walked away and then when she walked back by she would fix it. I got scared about a month ago when Abigayle put a couple things in line and I thought she was going to be the same way but she hasn't done anything like that since.