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Thursday, January 28, 2010

I'm a Sucker for {LOVE}

The year was 2002. It was a cool, crisp evening on The Ohio State University's Central Campus. My palms were sweaty and I had butterflies. I was going to my first real campus party at my first real boyfriend's house (you know the guy that makes you forget all about that jerk you dated for 6 years when you were younger?) Not only was it my first campus party, I would be meeting all of his friends for the first time! I slowly tucked my short brown hair behind my ears and walked up the stoop where 2 guys and 3 girls were chatting it up about who knows what. "Hi." I said quietly as I entered the "I" house in "O.H.I.O" Once inside, I looked everywhere and couldn't find my boyfriend. Instead this really hot, dark-haired, dark eyed, preppy dressed boy caught my eye. I must have caught his too because we smiled at one another and said "Hi."

Now me back then...SO totally shy. And I mean SHY. It was completely and utterly uncharacteristic of me to just start talking to anyone, let alone a hot guy. Whatever. He was hot and I felt pretty that night so I shamelessly started flirting with him. I even said, over-confidently I might add, "Oh I could totally kick your ass in some flip-cup." He smiled and accepted my challenge. We put or fists together and waited while time literally stood still, for it to be our turn at the table. Did I beat him? Oh yea, I flipped that cup over on the first try (and this was my first time playing this game). Did we laugh hysterically? Without a doubt! I remember looking at this nameless, hot guy and thinking, "Well maybe if it doesn't work out with my just recent new boyfriend, I could totally give it a go with this guy!" Awful, right? Come to find out...it was perfect.

This hot nameless guy and I were just about to introduce each other formally, but I hear my name being called and turn around to find the new boyfriend, looking all cute (I did really really like him), saying, "Cool. Freddie you met Brandis!" That was Freddie? Shut up. Shut up! Freddie was the guy I had been hearing about for weeks. The Capital University Football Player who liked to party...and the new boyfriend's BEST FRIEND. "Shit." I said out loud. Excuse my language. :) I saw the look in his eye right then. I know he was thinking "That was Brandis? Oh crap. I'm in love with my best friend's girl." And I know this to be true because only 2 years later, he told me himself.

Fast forward to 2004. February 13th to be exact. I had been single for 2 years, as my mother passed away later in 2002 and I broke things off with the cute first real boyfriend, who turned out be be a total jerkface. (Yes that is another made-up word in my personal dictionary, haha). Freddie and I had talked casually throughout the two years as we usually ended up at a mutual friends party. I always thought he was adorable, but never thought anything of it. I'm totally not THAT girl. The girl who comes between 2 best friends. Or was I?

My friend Nathan had invited me to a Columbus Destroyer's Football Game that night and we had amazing seats. I had so much fun! I called Freddie because a week earlier he mentioned being there with his friend Chad. He didn't answer so I left a message. "Hi Freddie, it's Brandis. What up?! I am basically sitting on the field, (can't remember the yard line) in a white sweater. See me?" He called me back, but it was loud I couldn't hear my phone ring. Nathan walked me to my car and we said our "See ya lata's" and I looked at my phone. 1 missed call. 1 new voicemail. It was Freddie. "Hey. I didn't actually make it there. Chad wasn't able to get tix after all. We are at Metro. Why don't you meet us here for a beer?" Me meet him downtown Columbus, by myself, in a super cute outfit? No way. I didn't go anywhere by myself, let alone at 10p in downtown Cbus. But for some reason, instead of getting on 670 W to head back home...I made a sharp left, found a parking spot and ran for my life...in heels! What was I DOING? I thought.

I walked into Metro and immediately saw Freddie sitting at the bar, holding a seat open for me. He had this big smile on his face and for the first time since that very first day that we met, I got butterflies. He was gorgeous! Not only was he hot, he was a gentleman -old school. He pulled the chair out for me, got up when I came over to him and gave me a big hug. He offered to buy me a drink and I accepted. Then we talked about the game. I love football and I think he was impressed that I could hold my own in a sports-related conversation. In the midst of our deep conversation, I fell in love.

Freddie's friend Chad wanted to bar hop so I agreed to tag along. I didn't want the butterflies to go away. Freddie walked me to my car, made sure I got to the new bar "Brother's" in one piece and walked beside me, intent on continuing our conversation which had switched to college life, work and why it was that I was still single.

Brothers is your average college bar with cheap beer, pool tables and awesome dance music. We lost Chad immediately, as he was out on the dance floor within minutes of arriving - scoping out the hot chicks of course. After 5 minutes Freddie asked me if I wanted to dance? "Sure." I replied, really thinking YES I WANNA DANCE WITH YOU! A Britney Spears song came on, (I Got That) Boom Boom and suddenly the dance floor got crowded. SO crowded that he and I were pushed together. We locked eyes and I remember looking at him and really seeing him for the first time, wondering if he felt the way I did, even if it was a little bit. And then he kissed me.

Folks, it's history from there! Come to find out later when we started dating (hesitating only because of the fact that he was my ex's best friend) that he fell in love with me the moment we met at that OSU party years earlier. Funny how things just happen, when you least expect them. And I am still very much in love with that same hot guy. He's my husband!

Enjoy our flash back. Some are super old and tiny - sorry - and I'll end with some wedding photos. I'll have to share my wedding day with ya'll sometime. It truly is a tear-jerker. I'm so in love with this man. We've been through unthinkable things together - both of our mom's passing away from cancer, his sister being diagnosed with breast cancer and beating it thank God, me going through several breast cancer scares and surgeries, a miscarriage, family drama, selfish phases (we won't even go there), financial drama with my identity being stolen...you name it, we've probably been through it. But it has made us stronger than ever. I will always look at Freddie and remember that very first moment I laid eyes on him. I will always look at him and see a true gentleman who always opens the door for me. I will always look at him and see an amazing husband and father. I will always look at him and get butterflies. I feel so blessed to have found my best friend and solemate - the person I get to spend the rest of my life with. The man that is embarking on a photography journey with me. I can't wait for our first wedding together as a team. That couple will get to see what love looks like through our eyes. I can't WAIT!

I love you baby. Back then. Now. Always.














1 comment:

  1. This is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! I was so excited when the two of you came to Kevin and I's wedding reception! It was great to see you and to meet this wonderful guy! We got reconnected through MySpace I believe and I instantly wanted to invite you to share our special day with us! Aren't hubby's just the best! And you are so right...you are a stronger couple because of what you have been through together.


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